Monday, November 27, 2006

Get Backers

Ban and Ginji are the get backers which means, well, exactly that. They'll get anything back that was stolen for the right amount of money. While sleeping in their car by night and living in the local diner by day their agent finds them customers. They start out with some simple cases like getting back a lost keychain from the Yakuza or preventing a mysterious box from reaching a certain destination and bringing it back as well as finding a valuable painting and a stolen violin. Soon their agent brings them the highest paying case they've ever had: to go into the limitless fortress (a district of 20,000 people that has been abandoned by the japanese government; a brutal and abandoned world with constant gang wars) and get back something called the il. Here Ginji is faced with remembering his past as he confronts his old gang members on the battlefield.

Get Backers has the unique ability to switch from serious drama to hilarious comedy in seconds. Ban and Ginji have an interesting relationship which you learn more about in later episodes. Also, the setting of the story allows for almost limitless story arcs of various length, which is a good thing, I think, incase you don't find interest in a certain scenario it can quickly move onto another. However, the final story arc is 15 episodes long, which can seem a little dragged out, but it has plenty of quick, unique and interesting battles as it explores each character. The series mainly starts out with Ban and Ginji, however as they complete recovery services they're pinned up against old friends and enemies they know from their past. This helps the viewer learn more about Ban and Ginji's past, how they became so strong and why they're the get backers now. As it goes, it also introduces and brings new characters into the get backers team. Following this, as the characters resolve their differences and accept the big job to go into the limitless fortress the show unravels secrets from each character's past and personality. This mainly focuses on Ginji's past as he grew up as the lightning emperor in the limitless fortress, where he was known as unstoppable and led a gang called the Volts. Although some details were revealed about Ban in earlier episodes I still feel there is more details left to learn about him in the second season. Overall, Get Backers season one has been nicely done with several short story arcs in the first several episodes and a nice long story arc that finishes up nicely.


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